3D animation

negative goes away
positive goes towards
flat surface in a 3D space

render- to make an output. a printer is a render.

qmetro- willing to drop bangs, even if there’s no time to. bangs aren’t high priority- good for video.

[qmetro fps]

4 planes of data. red green blue alpha (opacity)

line] x y z – make it seem like it is moving through space

henon map


volume- size
pitch – color
disorder- order

focus on the low frequencies- like bass drum and analyze if it’s gonna be the focus. Or high frequencies- like cymbals

maybe have the visuals react to the bass drum/ low frequencies


My final project ideas:

I want to incorporate both interactive and video aspects into my final project. I want the user to be able to choose what video is being played and each video will have a synthesized soundtrack that goes with it. I want to use percussive sounds- probably record myself playing woodblock, ride cymbal, ….- and use electronic dubstep samples.

I will have to explore jitter more


Transport- timepoint
table only holds integers
-use call instead

urn- wont repeat numbers. random until it uses all numbers without repeating. right outlet- done. message clear- ready to go again


encapsulate (edit- encapsulate)- makes a subpatch with an inlet and outlet
function]- can design messages

How max manages time:
– musical time is different that real time- there’s measure, divisions of beats. Quarter and eighth notes different depending on what the beat is.
music time (tempo relative time)
[transport]- starts a separate clock than MAX scheduler- on and off with 0 1. with metro obj- can make quarter notes [metro 4n]

MIDI 1/20

MIDI- from the 70’s or 80’s- way for musical devices to communicate to each other.
binary= 10101001
-8 bits= 1 bites
msb- most significant bite
lsb- least significant bite

hexadecimal- numbering system- has 16 digits = 123456789abcdef (a=10, b=11….)
0= 16^0
=decimal 100

midi was developed in mid 70’s- there were hella synthesizers, corps. and geeky people were building them. computers could read numbers, send out voltages.

mac has MIDI studio. we can mediate

midi is not audio, it’s just instructions to make a sound. the object determines the sound.

60- middle c.
12 semi tones

status bite 128-255
data- velocity 0-127
data- release velocity 0-127

midi doesn’t give information of note duration. nope, because it’s designed to be used in real time.

AU dls synth- mac has a synth

[pgmout]- uses number as status bite

channel messages- allowed receiving device to determine if message is for them

Jan. 13 lecture

cycle sends out a full amplitude wave- you have to control the volume

[cycle~ 440]

meter~ obj creates a level meter

scope~ does best to create a sine wave

multiply~ 0]


linear interpolation- interpolating in a straight line. [line~] expects two messages. in a list [0.5 100] or (0.5) (100) right to left ordering- how it’s triggered